Showing 1–12 of 43 results

AA Maria B Couture MC-031

Original price was: ₨ 10,200.Current price is: ₨ 5,100.
Vol. 5 Ready-to-Wear luxury collection is abloom with patterns and embroideries that are exquisitely fleuritine Maria b (Handmade) Wedding Collection MC-031 Master Repica now ready to deliver........ Fabric overview Complete net frock with Silk trouser Embroidery Details Heavy Front sequence Embroidered body with heavy punching Moti & 3D flowers attached Front fully embroidery having Sequence work on it {as original pattern} with punching Moti 3D flowerss & peals atteched fully sequence embroidery back body Back fully embroidery having Sequence work on it {as original pattern} with & peals attached Sleeves embroidery on fabric slightly Sequence work on it with punching Moti 3D flowers & peals attached Silk Trouser Heavy sequence net embroidery duppata with punching Moti & peals attached *Note No applic work need all EMBRODERY work made on fabric *


Original price was: ₨ 11,600.Current price is: ₨ 5,800.
Full Suit Made On Qasab Net Sheesha Jamawar Trouser Front And Back Same Embroidered Full Heavy Embroidery with Zari, Thread and Sequence With Handwork Sleeves Two Separate Alternate, Heavy Embroidery and Handwork Body Front Heavy Embroidery and Handwork Daman On Tissue Heavy Embroidery and handwork Dupata Heavy Embroidery and Four Sided border Trouser Sheesha Jamawar Measurements Front and back 103 inches Width & 42 Inches Height Front body 25 Inches Width and 20 Inches height Sleeves Alternate 2 separate


Original price was: ₨ 7,000.Current price is: ₨ 4,200.
Stuff : ORGANZA FRONT Organza Fully embroidery with thread and Sequence , Boring work done, 3D flower & lock Pules punched Organza Necklace given Sleeves Organza , embroidery with thread & sequence, Boring work done, 3D flower & lock Pules punched Dupata Organza heavy Embroidery Border 4 sided Back Plain Dyed organza Trouser plain Malai Crap Measurements: Front width 38 Inches, height 41 Inches Sleeves Alternate 2 separate given Dupata 2.5 yards


Original price was: ₨ 9,400.Current price is: ₨ 4,700.
*Stuff Organza* *DETAILS👇* *FRONT* ✔️ Heavy Embroidered Front With Handwork & Stone Work WITH Heavy *3D flower* Attach With Stone Punch *AND FRONT CUTWORK* ✔️ Heavy Embroidered Front DAMAN With Handwork & Stone work *AND FULLY CUTWORK* *BACK* ✔️ Plain Dyed Organza Back With Embroidered Patch *SLEEVES* ✔️Fully Embroidered With Hand work & Stone Work With hanging Tassals. *And Fully Cutwork* Cuff Embroidered Sleeves Patch *DUPATTA* ✔️Heavy Embroidery Orgenza Dupatta ✔️Heavy Embroidery 4 Side Borders With *Cutwork* ✔️ Ready to Wear *TROUSER* ✔️SILK Trouser


Original price was: ₨ 4,800.Current price is: ₨ 3,500.
* Net fully heavy alternet embroidered spengle work front body with fully cut work with heavy hand work & emblishment work *Net plain back body* *Net fully heavy embroidered spengle work sleeves with fully cut work* *Net heavy embroidered spengle work gherra* *Net heavy embroidered spengle work anchal with heavy embroidered spengle work pallou boarder attach with fully cut work* *dyed trozer*

Maria B Latest 2K23 || Same as original pattern

Fabrics Detail Chiffon , Organza , Net , Silk
Work Thread Embroidery, Sequence, Lock pules, Nug work, 3D Flowers, Handmade tussuls, Front heavy embroidery Thread sequence, Front center panel on Organza heavy embroidery thread, sequence, Multi designs 3D flower, lock pules, Handwork, Same like as Original Front Daman border or organza heavy embroidery With handmade Tussuls. Sleeves On chiffon heavy embroidery (TWO SEPARATELY) thread, sequence, Multy 3D flower, Handwork, lock pules, tussuls... Dupatta on Net sequence work, 4 sided Heavy embroidered border, with tussuls.. Back on plain chiffon Trouser Silk with Heavy Embroidered bunches.

MARIA B | Latest Wedding Collection 2k23

Original price was: ₨ 11,500.Current price is: ₨ 6,900.
Front on organza multi threads embroidery with sequence & foil work and decent Handwork with shelper tusuls attached Back On organza multi threads embroidery with sequence & foil work done Sleeves on Organza ONE YARD fabrics given pattern same like as original Handwork & attached shelper tusuls. Body on organza multi threads embroidery with Handwork, sequence & foil work. Dupata same As model wear Tie & Die Organza pallu heavy embroidered and four side border attached. Trouser On Silk Measurements. Height 58 inches Width Front and back 100 inches Dupata ready to wear Sleeves One Yards

MARIA B 2k24

FABRIC ORGANZA Suit With MALAI Trouser WORK SEQUENCE & HANDWORK MEASUREMENTS SHIRT Length: 42 Inches (With Daman) Width: 24 Inches Back Width: 42 Inches


Details: (Shirt)… Chiffon (Dupatta). Chiffon (Trouser). Malai dyed *Front fully heavy embroidered with heavy thread work and 3D work with Neck and daman attached* *Back Embroidered with daman patch* *FULLY EMBROIDERED SLEEVES with embroidered sleeves bunch* *Dupatta on CHIFFON ready to wear Fully Embroidered Boring cutwork all over With 4 side embroidered border* *back daman heavily embroidered* *Dyed malai trouser*


Most hit design *CHIFFON fully heavy embroidered & hand work front body* *chiffon fully heavy embroidered & beats work back body* *CHIFFON fully heavy embroidered sleeves with cutwork and 3d flowers * *chiffon fully heavy embroidered work gherra & fully heavy embroidered & cutwork and 3D flowers pallou with 4 side heavy embroidered spengle work pallou boarder attachment & gherra embroidered spengle work boarder attachment* *dyed inner Malai*




Original price was: ₨ 7,200.Current price is: ₨ 5,400.
NOTE Exclusive Handwork Which Can Touch The Bottom Of Heart Line embroidery and handwork same as original  Full suit on CHINESE NET Front & Back Same embroidery fully Handwork and lock pules Sleeves embroidered with handwork Front body embroidered with handwork Back body embroidered DUPATTA ON NET FULLY EMBROIDERED WITH 4 SIDE EMBROIDERED BORDER AND TUSSELS ATTACHED Silk trouser 2.5 yards Gher , 65" approximate Height, 2 separate sleeves, Dupata Ready to wear